
- >
- Company
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- Location
Seoul Office
- 556, Gonghang-daero, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
- (CS Center) 082-2-2648-1998
(Construction Part) 082-2-2647-9800
(Management) 082-2-2648-9600
- 082-2-2645-4150, 082-2-2649-9809
Sihwa Factory
- 45 Gongdan 1-daero 321beon-gil, Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
- 082-31-499-9600
- 082-31-499-9609
Hwaseong Factory
- 91-6, Hwaseong-ro 785beon-gil, Mado-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
- 082-31-355-9631
- 082-31-355-9635
Hwagok Logistics Center
- 41-12,Gangseo-ro 34-gil Gangseo-gu Seoul, Republic of Korea
- 082-2-2690-1999
- 082-2-2601-1075
Seongnam Logistics Center
- 111, Seolgae-ro Soojeong-gu, Kyounggi-do, Republic of Korea
- 082-31-755-1600
- 082-31-755-9800
Daejeon Logistics Center
- 1676, Dongseodae-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon, , Republic of Korea
- 082-42-635-7002
- 082-42-635-7795
Busan Logistics Center
- 35, Sansang-ro 425beon-gil, Sansang-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea
- 082-51-303-6782~4
- 082-51-303-6763